Holy Cross Catholic Primary School was established in 1890 by the Sisters of Mercy. Holy Cross
School is a co-educational Catholic primary school (Prep – Year 6) with a current enrolment of 159.
Located in the inner city suburb of Wooloowin, Holy Cross is a Catholic learning community
educating and transforming lives through the message of the Cross for the life of the world. As the
oldest Catholic primary school on the north side of Brisbane, we have been providing high quality
learning and teaching for over 125 years.

Holy Cross teachers are well qualified and highly professional with a strong commitment to the
Vision and Mission of our school and Catholic Education. We are place of learners and learning,
whereby students are engaged, challenged and proud of their achievements. We value the intrinsic
worth of each individual and monitor the well-being of all.
Holy Cross School is a welcoming, safe and caring community
with a strong commitment to social justice. We strive to live
our School Motto ‘With God, for Others’ in our daily
interactions with each other and our neighbours.
History: In July 1890 at the suggestion of Archbishop Dunne, the Sisters
of Mercy started a school in the church building. Additional
Sisters joined the Wooloowin community as teachers. The church seats were altered to serve as
desks and teaching was carried out in the Church for several years. The school opened with about
100 children. Discipline was very strict, which reflected the educational context of the late 1800’s.
The Sisters were instrumental in developing the school. They lived very simply, surviving on income
from school and piano lesson fees.

The first school was built at the back of the Church. The
site of this school building is now the Church carpark.
From 1896 to 1958 Holy Cross School Convent was
situated on the corner of Chalk and Morris Streets,
Wooloowin. Holy Cross Convent was somewhat unique in
that the Sisters had a variety of Ministries. Some of the
Sisters who lived at Holy Cross Convent were teachers at
Holy Cross School and at St Carthage’s Primary School at Gordon Park. Other Sisters were involved at
Holy Cross Home for unmarried mothers, disability services and women who were in the care of the
The current primary school complex at 40
Morris Street was completed in 1958. In 1975
the Sisters of Mercy withdrew from Holy Cross.
They had set up the school and administered
Holy Cross for 85 years. 
In 1980 Holy Cross established ‘Special
Education Unit’ providing assistance those
children who needed extra help. Holy Cross
was the first Catholic primary school in Brisbane to have such a unit. The unit was phased out during
the mid 2000s.
We continue to be a place of inclusion and create diverse opportunities for all to learn.
In 1890, our parish school was founded by the Sisters of Mercy. Their commitment to serve others is
still demonstrated today:
• by our desire to follow God through our actions
• through our service and outreach to all people in our community – families, staff,
parish and friends
• by the Cross as a sign of hope and a constant reminder that we must give of
ourselves for others
• with respect for individuality and diversity through a culture of inclusion
• in our dedication to learning and teaching in a safe, welcoming and happy
• through justice, mercy, spirituality and celebration
• through our Catholic faith fostered in our daily prayer and liturgical and sacramental
© Brisbane Catholic Education, Holy Cross School Wooloowin (2023)